Logo & crypto coin

I wanted our logo to be playful yet powerful, something unforgettable.


To keep up with NFT trends, I decided to learn a bit of basic animation. I used Adobe After Effects and YouTube tutorials to learn in a time crunch.


To keep up with NFT trends, I decided to learn a bit of basic animation. I used Adobe After Effects and youtube tutorials to learn in a time crunch.

Game pieces

Buy, sell, trade Fruitful NFT character pieces to gain stats and, ultimately, advance your bank account and crypto portfolio.

Website concept

I hoped we could add animations to these svg illustrations like the clouds floating by and the plant leaves blowing gently in the breeze. Unfortunately, we never got the web developing power to pull it off.

Umbrella Corp Logo

We hoped to make multiple crypto apps.

What happened

In early 2021, I joined a group of dev nerds with the promise of sweat equity. We sought to create a crypto banking app with gamified incentives to buy and trade NFT game pieces and Fruitful coin. Alas, funding and leadership were core issues we could not resolve in time as the crypto world advanced too quickly. We disbanded at the end of 2021.